“Today I’m back with part 2 of my interview with Craig Wilkinson on The Quarter Life Comeback podcast.

In part one,  Craig and I discussed what it means to be excellent, why most of us settle for mediocrity & how to get out of that, as well as the first five keys to living a life of excellence. In this part of the interview, we dive into the last 5 keys to excellence. I also asked Craig about what he thought were the biggest challenges and opportunities for quarter lifers in today’s world, as well as his tips for finding your own mentor.

And, as I ask all guests, he shares his one action step to take this week to start creating your Quarter Life Comeback.”

“You never achieve true excellence by staying in your comfort zone.” 

  • How to eliminate distractions that aren’t serving your goals
  • Why you need to start building a tribe to help you succeed
  • How to know when to quit or when to keep going
  • How to find a mentor
  • The biggest challenge and opportunity for quarter lifers today